
General Waiver

  • General Waiver

    I, the parent or legal guardian of the daughter/son identified below, do hereby grant permission for my daughter/son to participate in classes and activities conducted by or at the Cheer Zone Athletics, Inc. In order that my daughter/son may receive necessary medical treatment in the event she/he sustains injury or illness during Cheer Zone class, session, or other activity. I hereby authorize the Cheer Zone Athletics, its directors, and other representatives to obtain medical treatment for my daughter/son to an area physician office, medical center, or hospital. I hereby hold harmless the Cheer Zone Athletics, Inc., as well as their respective directors, officers, employees, agents and other representatives, from all action taken by them in the exercise of such authority and agree to indemnity such organizations and persons for any liability, expense and cost incurred by them in the exercise of such authority.
    I understand that participation in the Cheer Zone Athletics classes, sessions, and other activities involves a possibility that my daughter/son could sustain or suffer physical injury or illness, (minimal, serious, or catastrophic). Knowing the risks of such participation, I acknowledge and agree that my daughter/son is assuming the risk of such physical illness or injury by her/his participation and, on behalf of the undersigned, my daughter/son and hers/his heirs and assigns, I herby release, discharge and hold harmless Cheer Zone Athletics, Inc., as well as their respective directors, officers, employees, agents, and other representatives from any and all claims for personal injury, or illness or otherwise that may arise from or relate to my daughter's/son's participation in Cheer Zone Athletics classes, sessions, or activities.
    In addition to the above authorizations, I hereby grant my permission to qualified physicians and medical center staff to administer immediate treatment to my daughter/son should she/he become ill or injured. I also authorize the staff of Cheer Zone Athletics to give my daughter/son non prescriptive medicine, except as otherwise prohibited below.
  • Clear Signature