Sponsorship Form

Sponsorship Form

"*" indicates required fields

Cheer Zone Athletics Participant Sponsorship

We would like to thank you for helping our talented children achieve their dreams. Your sponsorship will be used to pay tuition, team building activities, competition fees. We are not a non-profit corporation. You may write off your sponsorship as an advertising expense, not a charitable donation.

**The sponsorship money can be used for anything the participant deems appropriate. Cheer Zone, Inc. will not check the validity of this form, the person signing certifies that they have authority to give consent on behalf of the company for this information to be placed on the Cheer Zone website. I hereby release and waive any and all claims arising from this information being available on the website. If any changes need to be made please contact Cheer Zone, Inc.

Please make checks payable to Cheer Zone Athletics.
Contact Person*
Business Address*
All-Star Participant's Name*
Clear Signature